A very warm welcome to all the new Reception parents and children. During the first few days of Reception, the children will be having fun settling into the routines of their new classroom and getting together with their friends (some old and some new.)
The teachers in Reception are Mrs Daley and Mrs Matthews and supporting us are Mrs Ridgeway and Mrs Odstrcil. We run our reception as a hub, so both classes are mixed during the day. We have small focused tasks during the day and then children are given the opportunity to use the enhanced provision to follow up this work independently.

Our aim is for all our children to flourish as young learners and grow as confident individuals in a safe, secure learning environment. We want our children to grow as individuals and recognise the contribution they can make to society. We want our children to take increasing responsibility for their own learning, make informed choices and solve problems.
During the autumn term, we have a big focus on phonics. This will help your child read, write and spell.
Learning to read…
Children who read regularly or are read to regularly have the opportunity to open the doors to so many different worlds! More importantly, reading will give your child the tools to become independent life-long learners.
We can achieve this together through:
- Read Write Inc, a program to help your child read at school
- Encouraging children to develop a love of books by reading to them daily, at home and at school
- Giving children access to a wide range of books at school and at home
Each day the children will be offered milk/water and a piece of fruit. They may bring in their own water bottle and fruit from home if desired. No sugary snacks or juices, please.
PE will be on Tuesday. On PE days, please ensure that children wear tracksuit bottoms and trainers that they are able to take off/put on themselves. We encourage independence and this can be difficult when children have laced up trainers/boots.
In Reception, we spend a lot of time having fun and learning outside, so it is important that the children bring in a suitable coat every day. We ask if you can provide us with a pair of wellies that we can keep in school for the children to use when needed. Please ensure all clothes are labelled clearly to help us locate any lost items!
Our Topics for this Term are:
The Little Red Hen
We look at the classic story of The Little Red Hen retold with simple text and delightful illustrations. The Little Red Hen works hard all year to grow grains of wheat to make bread. Not one of her friends is willing to help her, so do they deserve the delicious treat at the end?
The Scarecrows Wedding
THE SCARECROWS’ WEDDING is a fabulous love story, with drama, humour, originality – and a happy ending! Two scarecrows, Betty O’Barley and Harry O’Hay, are planning the perfect wedding. But wicked scarecrow, Reginald Rake, has other ideas and almost ruins their special day. Harry must become a hero before he and Betty can have the wedding of their dreams.
The children learn and consolidate skills through a variety of exciting activities based on the stories. They will develop skills in:
- Social interaction and working with others
- Positive behaviour and emotional expression
- Developing independence
- Writing, listening and understanding
- Counting, Shape, Pattern and Reciting numbers
- Physical development, developing fine and gross motor skills